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Department of Rog Nidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan

Roga Nidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan is an important department of Ayurveda focusing on diagnostics aspects and deals with the classification of diseases and techniques of diagnosis. This clinical Department is also involved in conducting various laboratory diagnostic investigations, pathological tests, ECG, USG, X-Ray etc. for patients care. The investigations are conducted for patient care as well as research purposes of all the departments.

This department deals with the factors which are essential to understand disease process as well as the diagnosis. The normal state of mind and body is called prakriti and the abnormal state of the mind and body is termed as vikriti. Nidan panchak is the base of diagnosis of disease. This department looks after the clinical laboratory of the hospital as well providing facilities for investigations of blood, urine and stool samples of the patients.

The main objective of this department is to facilitate effective diagnostic tests in shortest time for prevention and cure of disease and providing basic methodology of Roga Nidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan with recent developments in clinical diagnostics, bestowing complete knowledge of bed-side clinics and advanced investigations with clinical interpretation.
